jill tracy
Jill's memoji

about me

I'm Jill, a UX designer pursuing a User Experience and Interaction Design (UXID) degree at Drexel University.
🌟 Thanks for stopping by!

likes 👍

  • figma auto layout
  • black coffee
  • arts and crafts

dislikes 👎

  • clutter
  • wet socks
  • septa delays

Originally from New Jersey, I'm currently living in Philadelphia. Although I've hardly lived here for 3 years, I've taken a lifetime's worth of trips to Wawa, and I've developed a profound love for Gritty 🧡.

At first, I came to study UX because I thought it was an intersection of visual art and technology. Now I realize it's so much more!

To me, UX is the art of connection. Designers forge tools that shape the way people connect with the world and each other. It's our obligation to make that journey as intuitive and empowering as possible.

From working at a startup to a corporation with over 15K employees, I know how to scale these connections seamlessly, ensuring that every user's experience is not just efficient but truly memorable.

Apart from my work, I like to read fiction novels, and I've recently taken up jewelry making as a creative endeavor. After spending so much time in front of screens, I find it refreshing to engage with hands-on activities and analog media!

📌 I'm on the lookout for my next design adventure.
Connect with me, and together we'll create something extraordinary!